My name is Maria Buchmann and I am a production designer and illustrator living in Denmark.
I have a master of production design from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and work with illustration, animation and design.
My expertise is substantiating and expanding a dramatic narrative. I develop visual concepts creating consistency and quality in a narrative visual expression.
I strive to create environments and characters that are unique and original.
I adapt well to style and I have a broad knowledge of task such as shape, composition, staging and light and color.
I see myself as an imaginative, ambitious and enterprising person who always follows my tasks through to completion.
Forlaget Jensen og Dalgaard
Høst og Søn
Forlaget Turbine
Dansklærerforeningens Forlag
Gads Forlag
ABC Forlaget
Forlaget Bolden
Copenhagen Bombay
Kuntz Animation

Illustrated books:
Illustrations for ”Radionauternes store opdagelsesrejse”. By Karen Brüel Birkegaard Lisa Bay. Publisher: Carlsen
Illustrations for ”HOLLY: SUPERNØRDER, CYKELSTYRT OG EN PSYKOSJÆLDEN”. By Sophie Souid og Pernille Bønlykke. Publisher: Gads
Illustrations for ”HOLLY: ØKULLER, NATLØB OG EN LILLE HVID LØGN”. By Sophie Souid og Pernille Bønlykke. Publisher: Gads
Illustrations for ”HOLLY: HVISKELEG, BOMBER OG EN HUNDEDYR MISFORSTÅELSE”. By Sophie Souid og Pernille Bønlykke.Publisher: Gads
illustrations for a fantasy series of three childrens books.
"Lifas Safir", "Solurt til Asari" og "Mørke over Kløvis".
Publisher: Gads
Illustrations for a book series for children about the boy "Samir".
"Samir ser et spor – Aminas diamant er væk",
"Samir ser et spor – Mors boa er væk!" og "Samir ser et spor - Samirs kakao er væk."
Publisher: Forlaget Turbine.
Illustrations for the story "Jonas og Mie får voksne" written by Kim Fupz Aakeson. Published by Forlaget Alinea.
Illustrations for "Opgøret med julemanden". by Sophie Souid. Publisher: Gyldendal
Illustrations for "Jagten på Ole Lukøje". by Sophie Souid. Publisher: Gyldendal
illustrations for "Pruttebogen - leksikon over fimser" by Stine og Hannah Dreyer. Published by Forlaget Turbine.
Illustrations for "Kongens Bøsseskytte - Jon Olafssons eventyrlige oplevelser" af Kåre Bluitgen. Publisher ABC Forlag
Illustrations for "hvad er der i vejen Kain?" by Peter Mouritzen. Publischer: Jensen & Dalgaard.
Illustrations for "Død over tandfeen" by Sophie Souid. Publisher: Gyldendal.
Illustrations for short story by Bo Hr. Hansen. Publisher: Dansklærerforeningen
Illustrations for "Der er noget ondt her" Evil is here" by Dorte Roholte.
Publisher: Forlaget Bolden
Illustrations for "Den hvide konkylie" the white conch by Bent Haller. Publisher: Høst & Søn
Illustrations for the children's book "Blommeægget" The Plum Egg by Peter Adolphsen.
Publisher: Jensen & Dalgaard.
Illustrations for the children's book "Superheltenes forbund". Publisher: Forlaget Turbine.
Illustrations for the children´s book "Oskar og Oberst - Oldemors hund". Publisher: Forlaget Turbine.
Writing and illustrating the childrensbook "Hasse & den møgirriterende lillesøster" at Open Workshop, The Animation Workshop. 2014